Wednesday 22 May 2013

Love Story-- My Journey

My Journey

"[I am] an ardent fan of yours through reading your novels on the net... I really appreciate you and your writings... I have read chapter 15 of Abigail's Journey twice now and it's like I should go back to read it again. It is so interesting. Thank you for such a good read... What fascinates me about your writing is that each of your stories are unique. Even the thought pattern and the characters are distinct and very much natural. One can almost see the person in one's family or neighborhood... Telling you I enjoyed chapter 17 of Abigail's Journey is an understatement... it's like the story is real... Thanks a lot for giving me something beautiful to look forward to every month. The chapter was worth waiting for. I smiled throughout the first pages until the last when I could not be consoled..." - Clara (Nigeria, West Africa)
"Wow I have to say I never thought I'd like to read anything. The story Abigail's Journey is amazing. I'm hooked. Every month when it's updated I catch a ride to the library and use the Internet there just to find out what happens next. You are really very good..." - Arica
"Three days ago, my friend introduced me to 'Abigail's Journey'. I remember her exact words were: 'It is beyond words!'. Not stressing much on what that entailed and being a passionate reader, I eagerly ventured into page 1 and from there on, I couldn't find the heart to stop. I was eager to get to the end and at the same time I dreaded the fact that this novel that captured my heart, mind, and soul would come to a finale and leave behind it emptiness and an insatiable hunger for more. For three nights, I lived with Abigail and Jake, and walked through this incredible journey of self realization, fear, hurt, love, passion, empathy, and most importantly a reminder of how Good God Is. I cannot begin to relay the emotions that hunted me so vigorously, smiling at times and crying at others, all of which while nourishing my heart and increasing my faith in the Lord. It has renewed my faith in the Lord and how mysterious his Ways are. At many times in my life, fear and doubt presided within me, leaving so little to hope. But it is through the Lord that we find strength once more to ask of him to guide us into the light and unto a rock that is higher than where we are. May God bless you, and always give you the strength to empower and inspire others. I thank God for you and for your talent and most of all for your faith, without which this would not be possible." - Maria
"Thank you so much for your beautifully written love stories... I'm totally in love with 'Abigail's Journey.' It's totally great and I love it to pieces.

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