Wednesday 22 May 2013

Journey Of The Heart-A True Love Story

Journey Of  The Heart

The author of this story is unknown, but the ‘heart’ of this story is one we can all embrace, especially in these days of recovery on the East Coast of America, Cuba and Haiti.
A wise woman was traveling in the mountains, when she came upon a beautiful, clear stream. Thirsty, she cupped her hand, reached in, and brought the water to her mouth. After she had drunk, she noticed a precious stone in the palm of her hand. She held it high and it glittered in the sun. Delighted, she tucked the treasure into her bag. The next day the wise woman met a hungry fellow traveler, and without hesitating she opened her bag to share what food she had. Immediately, the traveler caught sight of the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without the slightest hesitation.

The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. This stone was surely worth enough money to provide a lifetime of security. But only a few days later, he came back, his brow furrowed, and returned the stone to the wise woman.

“I’ve been thinking, “he said. “I know how valuable this stone must surely be, but I’ve brought it back to trade for something even more precious. Please give me what you have within you that enabled you to freely give me the stone.”

What do you have within you that you can freely give to others?

How have you experienced the recent superstorm? Whether you were directly in the path of the storm, feeling its aftermath now or, like me, sending Love to the millions affected, what is within you to share? How can we love and support you now?

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