Monday 20 May 2013

A Senti Love Story

A Senti Love Story

There was a guy . Lets call him prateek.......He was fully against love....he would speak all bull shit against"Love is mutual misunderstanding between 2 fools n i am not 1 of them".....
he didnot wanted to fall in love just bcoz of d reason dat he didnot wanted to get hurt badly....
but den time plays its power on everyone who thinks differently....he came to a new place to he was a little immature he started making bonds with people....but people being external to him were not his slaves dat dey do whatever he now he started facing difficulties.....den d major part of d story... he met a girl who was very very cute n 6 months elder 2 him n nnnnn mature 2 himm........
he started likin her was his 1st love......her name was on his mouth all d time....he was experiencing love 4 d 1st time.....more n more people started knowin abt it......d girl also started noting dat d boy likes me.....dey both became good frendz....but girl had a bigger circle of frendz basically girlz.....n d boy left his own circle to be a part of her circle......den d boy went in wid his emotions....boy was enjoyin everythin wat was happening....den suudenly d thing happenend which d boy was always afraid of.....d girl one day talked 2 him regardin all dis...n says i know u like me... but i dont want 2 get into any relationship....dere was no cleacut answer in her words..... d boy started 2 accept i... he thought over it.....he made it a point dat he doesnt want to loose his good frend(GIRL) just bcoz she coudnt be his life partner.....d boy has now fully barred love into his terrotories n he will never ever do d thing which he is afraid of.....god always has some eterrnal choice to make.....lets see if dey will ever meet again..................

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