Saturday, 25 May 2013

Hearts-Love Poem


I have two hearts
Heart is pulsating with blood
And heart is pulsating with love
Heart is overflowing with tears
And heart is overflowing with perfume
Heart is sky
And heart is earth
Heart is coldness
And heart is warmth
Heart is a night
And heart is a daytime
Heart is a water
And heart is an air
Heart is a book
And heart is mirage
Heart is a fire
And heart is an ash
Heart is a tide
And heart is an ebb
Heart is a longing
And heart is a hope
Heart is a magic
And heart is a beauty
Heart is flag
And heart is a shroud
Heart is a life
And heart is a destiny
Heart is a child
And heart is a peace
Heart is an exile
And heart is a homeland
Heart is the wound of yesterday,
And heart is the wound of today,
I'll never touch the wounds once again
When hearts are angry
My heart is evergreen
Whoever owns my heart
Will own dreams and hopes
And keys of happiness
Forever and ever 

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