Friday, 24 May 2013

Love Poem---Let Romance Be Romance

Let Romance Be Romance

Let romance be romance
Every dark night be morning
And love our 2nd chance
In love's ever turning
From its doubling dear
Giving so much and close
Just by heaving you here
Like sweet morning rose
Every day is to be fine
Coming in for a kiss
When there's rising sunshine
With everything there is
Love falling younger
Into everything sung
Every day so much longer
In the summer's tongue

Rising and energizing
In new dreams of creation
Imaginations beauty stylizing
With romancing gradation
Love songs to do and give
Feeling of desiring long
This around now to live
In anew found around song
Romancing Reality
The ability to look at things as they are
Without the distraction of a fairy tale romance
No waking dreams, no repressed desires projected onto another
But the beauty of seeing what is, in clarifying light
No delusions of grandeur
Or of running away from the world
But the courage to look into a honest mirror
And accepting who we are
Beautiful, wrinkled, deep feeling
And maybe, finding who we want to be
Romancing the world, is a hollow chase
And reality is a pretty illusion
When the only true romance, is with your own soul!

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