Monday 20 May 2013

Relation Quotes

Relation Quotes

Good Relations......
doesn't need any promises any terms or conditions
it just need two wonderful people
one sweet like me ...:-)
one Cool like u;-)

The "Rain" may cover the
"Sun" but we know that the
"Sun" never forgets to shine,
just like u.I may not even see u often.
But you always "Shine" in my Prayers.
Bcz Of Our Relation

If SoMeOnE AsKs Me What is FRIENDSHIP"I wOuLd SiT nExT TO yOu, PuLL YoU aLL CloSe tO Me, PuT mY ArMs ArOuNd YoU aNd sAy pRoUdLy,
  "DiS Is

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