Thursday, 16 May 2013

Poems For Lover----You were my best friend,

You Were My Best Friend,

You were my best friend,
I realized I felt more,
You didn't feel,
My heart was tore.

It was a lie,
You did feel,
A great amount,
And it was real.

I must be insane,
I didn't think love ....


If You Love Someone

They say when love finds you
You automatically know it’s real
In could happen in weeks or years
But how can you be sure

They say you get butterflies
And your toes start to tingle
And you ..........


I Need Your Hug

Hug me
But don't let go
I want you to stay
I want you to know

I need you with me
You make me feel bright
So just hug me
Right through the night

It's what I want
Maybe even a kiss
You ..........

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