Saturday 18 May 2013

Love Inspirational Poems

Love Inspirational poems

Never give up On something you really want.

Never give up On something you really want.
It's difficult 2 wait
more difficult to regret...!
Tough Times Are Like Physical Exercise

Tough times are like physical exercise,
You may not like it while you are doing it
but tomorrow you'll be stronger because of it.
You R Living In Past / Future Or Present

If you are depressed,
You are living in the past.
If you are anxious,
You are living in the future,
If you are at peace,
You are living in the present.
You Will Be Happy Forever.

If you wait for happy moments,
You will wait forever.
If you start believing that you are happy,
You will be happy forever.
Designer Of Your Future

If You Translate
Every Mistake Of Your Life
Into a 'Positive' One,
You Will Never Be A
'Prisoner Of Your Past',.
But A "Designer Of Your Future"

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